243 Days #B4uVote choose hope

243 Days #B4uVote choose hope over despair + engagement over apathy + kindness over indifference = love over hate #BeThe1st#RealRealty#GA123#1Bethesda#2r1wm#CelestialCoach

262 Days #B4uVote choose hope

262 Days #B4uVote choose hope over despair + engagement over apathy + kindness over indifference = love over hate #RealRealty#BeThe1st#GA123#1Bethesda#2r1wm#CelestialCoach

The modest & humble are magnets for love and support

The modest & humble are magnets for love and support. The big headed and arrogant invite enemies and emptiness. Empower your humility to quash your ego #RealRealty#BeThe1st#GA123#1Bethesda#2r1wm#CelestialCoach

#ConquerTheFear Don’t let fear breed regret

#ConquerTheFear Don’t let fear breed regret with endless “woulda, shoulda, coulda.” Confront the emptiness and anxiety of potential rejection head-on. Face your fears today to sidestep regret tomorrow. #RealRealty#BeThe1st#GA123#1Bethesda#2r1wm#CelestialCoach

Good Morning! 🌞
A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated...
Good Morning! 🌞
A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated, or being perfect.  It's about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others.
Every day begins new choices #RealRealty#1Bethesda #BeThe1st #GA123#2r1wm